Eurogrip 4500
Safe negotiation of steep ramps by vehicles is critically important to achieving adequate traction on bridges and steep inclines.
High friction coatings are often used to improve the skid resistance of new build as well as providing a quick and easy remedy for existing slippery surfaces. Surfaces are inevitably degraded by use particularly as a result of heavy vehicles and the high shear forces applied by slow moving vehicles when negotiating ramps. Eurogrip 4500 is a high build coating that combines tough, flexible polyurethane resins with highly abrasion resistant aggregate. It has been specially formulated to accept a surface dressing of up to 5mm stone and to cure very quickly keeping disruption to the minimum and enabling a road or ramp to be returned to full use in about 3 hours depending on temperature. It also cures at low temperatures, adheres tenaciously to substrates.

- Improved safety, better traction, better breaking
- Long service life compared with other similar syst
- Minimal disruption to commercial operations -RAPID CURE
- Cold applied using mixer and squeegee
- Low hazard materials
- Reduced wear on vehicles
- Resistant to oils and solvents
- Combines anti-skid with waterproofing
- Minimal maintenance
- Suitable for a wide range of substrates (steel, bitumen, concrete, etc)
- Low initial and whole life cost
- Does not embrittle with age
- Ramps and Inclines used for heavy vehicles.